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Bedrock Players Shop

Shop items for bedrock players are sent through manually. We are working on making this process automatic soon.

You will only need to complete these 4 easy steps.

  • Step 1: You will need to view the items on the main server store. To view these items, login with another username. Try using Notch or Jblack. You should now be able to view the items. Use this link: https://playmc.shop/
  • Step 2: Choose what you would like to purchase and take note of the total amount.
  • Step 3: Go to our bedrock player store, and purchase the "Buy Credit" item. Click "add to basket" then in the text box enter the amount you calculated from the previous step. Use this link.
  • Step 4: Once you have made payment, please let a staff member know and your item/s will be credited to you.

Please note this is only for bedrock players.