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Jul 19, 2022

SA Crafters Update #2

SA Crafters Update #2

We hope everybody had a good start to the week. We have decided it is time to post another update about what has been going on at SA Crafters.

Firstly we would like to thank the amazing SA Crafters community for your continued support and dedication to the server whether it be by voting, helping out on the server, reporting bugs and issues, making new players feel welcome, helping others or donating to keep the server running. Thank you!


Below are some of the changes made to Diamond Survival.

In-game Shop: After many requests we changed the Diamond shop back to a style more similar to the older shop. This helps improve the gameplay experience on the server - by not having every item available in the shop. It also increases item volume in the player shops and allows players to make more money from the player shops. We also added a few items to the shop that were requested by players in our Discord server suggestions channel.

Monthly Crate: We added a monthly crate which will changed every month. This allows you to support the server in other ways than buying a rank or black market items. The monthly crate will reward you with items as a gesture of our appreciation for helping to keep the server running.

Server upgrade: SA Crafters is now powered by an Intel Xeon E-2234 CPU which is almost 30% more powerful than our previous CPU. We are still hosted in the same world-class datacenter. We decided that after almost 2 years on the same machine it was time for an upgrade. We have been able to lift a few restrictions and greatly improve the efficiency of villager based farms and villager AI.

Custom Enchants: We moved back to the old customs enchants plugin that Diamond previously used. We did this because we were not happy with the development of the new plugin as well as the continuous issues it caused. We decided to do it while the server was still fresh before you build huge collections of custom enchant books. We also created our own custom enchanter that allows you to buy books with exp - and black scrolls and dusts with in-game money since the plugin did not offer that.

Help Menu: We did some minor updates to the help menu and added more info for some categories.

Player Vaults: Players can now unlock a second player vault from the vote shop. The size of a vault has also been increased to 6 rows. You can now keep even more of your valuables safe!

Sit: You can now sit again. We added this feature back. This was also requested in our Discord server suggestions channel.

Player Warps: Player warp limits have been increased! You can now create more than 1 player warp. This limit increase applies to certain vote ranks and donor ranks. You can see the limit for each rank in the rank up menu. Donor ranks can see limits on the donation store website. Player warps are great for setting up a shop. Create a shop on your claim with chest shops and set a player warp to it - players will be able to visit your shop and buy items while you are away or offline.

New Crates: Spawner and Black Market crates added to spawn. You can receive keys for these crates from the Vote crate. The Spawner crate contains spawners - all with even chance. The Black Market crate contains tools from the Black Market. So don't forget to vote for great rewards!

mcMMO: This was another highly requested feature. Diamond now has the mcMMO plugin.

Claim Flags: After testing claim flags, we decided they are working without any major issues. They have been enabled and you can now change your claim flags. Popular claim flags are PVP and Player Enter.

We also have a few upcoming features which we are still busy planning, working on and testing:

  • mcMMO boosters.
  • Duels.
  • Fly Token Confirmation GUI.
  • Toggleable PVP.
  • Dynmap.
  • Change private chat colour. (still to test)
  • Custom prefix for players that have reported bugs.
  • Improved Trench Pickaxe.


Below are some of the changes made to Vanilla Survival.

Mob spawn range: The mob spawn range has been increased. You will notice more mobs spawning around you as well as your farms working more efficiently.

Mob spawn distance: The mob spawn distance has also been increased. This will also improve efficiency of farms.

Mob despawn range: We also increased the mob despawn range, this will improve your farm efficiency as well. Mobs will need to be further away from you before they despawn and they will stay in the area longer now.

Spawn limits: Mob spawn limits are also increased. This means the server will spawn a higher amount of mobs around a player. Spawn limits are per-player and not global. This will also improve your farm efficiency.

Mobs through portals: Mobs could not go through portals previously which prevented a few basic gameplay mechanics. Mobs can now go through portals.

Hard difficulty: We changed the difficulty of Vanilla to hard after requests and suggestions made by players in our Discord server suggestions channel.

We also have a few upcoming features which we are still busy planning, working on and testing:

  • Toggleable PVP.
  • Dynmap.
  • Custom prefix for players that have reported bugs.

That is it!

That is it for now. We will continue working and making improvements on the server. We check our suggestions channel on Discord for new suggestions a few times a week, please be sure to post yours there. Sometimes we may not be able to add your suggestions quickly as we may be working on other features but we will definitely get to them all.