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Staff Application

Please read all the info below before applying.

Please note that all staff start as Helpers and will be promoted over time.

What do helpers do?

  • Welcome new players onto the server. Welcome new players that join. Let them know how to obtain their stater kit and random teleport into the wild.
  • Make sure chat rules aren't been broken. Make sure players are not breaking the server chat rules.
  • Help players where they can. Any form of help, like helping someone list an item for sale in the player shops or showing them how to vote or use server commands, etc. Help does not include building their base for them.
  • Answer questions where you can. Help if someone asks something in chat about a server related feature like how to use the vote shop or what tokens are, etc.

Note: If you are unable to deal with a situation you must let a admin or operator know and they will assist.