We have updated our website layout and design.
The new design makes it easier for us to deliver information and news to our players. The new layout also offers great mobile device support and makes it easy to browse from any device.
The rules page has also been updated and is more structured than the previous rules page. Each section has its own tab which can be opened and closed. Reading the rules is also easy to do from mobile devices.
There is also a staff team page which lists all of the server staff so that you can know who our friendly staff are.
We have added a guides section. We will be adding useful guides over time. There are already a few guides you can read. The info hub will also eventually move back to the website with it's own section.
Some of the navigation links such as the live maps and RGB Gradient creator have moved to the footer area at the bottom of the site. We have also added a Bedrock limitations page which lists the current known limitations Bedrock players will have when playing on SA Crafters.
The forums are being phased out and there will be a separate ban appeals form added soon. The forums have mostly been used for ban appeals and announcements. Community chat and discussions are done in our Discord server.
We will be making use of the announcements system on the website so be sure to check the homepage weekly to catch any news or events.